Highlights and


This walk combines several must-sees of Leuven with more surprising hidden sides of the city


City of many names

The oldest university town in the Low Countries, Beer Capital of the world, Best City of Brabant, Pearl on the Dyle. Leuven has name and fame, famous inhabitants and was/is visited and praised by many for its beauty and unique character. This city stands with both feet in its rich past, but also stands in the present and reaches into the future. City of history, heritage and old stories, but also of vibrant youth culture, students, conviviality, green oases and surprises. This university city does not stand still and it is not without reason that it is chosen time and time again as the most innovative in Europe.

Leuven surprises!

The colleges of the Naamsestraat, the unique university library and the Longest Bar, the world-famous Gothic town hall and the enormous St. Peter’s Church. These are just a few icons of this city. But there is also a more hidden Leuven. Behind passages and doors that seem closed, surprises lie hidden… Surprised, amazed, perplexed? Indeed, Leuven is amazing!

Good to know!

  • No minimum number of participants required, there is however a minimum payment for at least ten participants
  • Can also include a drink at the end, 19 euros p.p